Saturday, June 23, 2007

Girl, you'll be a woman soon...

One of my friends observed that all the ads on Israeli television are about one of two things: 1) something I can't remember (because it was neither important nor interesting), and 2) adult diapers.

"Adult diapers?" I questioned. "Is the Israeli population that overwhelmingly old?"

"Not old," he replied, "just female."

"Excuse me?!!!"

"Yeah, you know, every month the women need the diapers."

"EXCUSE ME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Those aren't DIAPERS. DIAPERS are for people who are too young or too old to wait until they can make it to a toilet. Women who need monthly absorption usually don't fall into either of these categories."

Then we both laughed, and I taught him all of the funny English euphamisms for the things that soak up the ... stuff. Feminine hygiene products. Sanitary napkins. Because the process wasn't already strange and scary enough.

Several days later I was at another friend's house. This friend has a daughter who's on the cusp of toilet training but who would still rather remain squinting in a demi-squat while she uses her diaper than ask for a potty. The good news is that girl can just about diaper herself.

As I witnessed her standing there, arranging the diaper between her legs, I thought, "Wow, She's just about ready to be a woman."


Unknown said...

That is pretty funny! What made him think they were adult diapers?

Anonymous said...

Steph- WTF?

No, really - WTF?
