Friday, July 25, 2008

Stalker-ish or Southern?

Today I debated the relative creepiness of adding random other internationals who seem interesting as my facebook friends. I haven't done it yet, added people with whom I have no real world contact. The trouble is it seems 1 part pathetically friendly and 1 part the absolute best case scenario. I suppose I have to grow a pair and track down the crazy expat parties instead.

Making web friends does seem far easier, though, not to mention incurring far less transportation cost.

Care to weigh in?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Birmingham series

Some friends here visited the states at Christmastime and visited some of my favorite cities, including the one in which I lived for 4 years. By and large, they were underwhelmed, and my theory is that they simply didn't know where to go.

Thus, I've decided to start posting favorite places on occasion in the hopes the future visitors will heed my excellent advice.

This inaugural set of photos is from The Garage, one of Birmingham's premier bars that was supposedly voted one of the 10 bars worth traveling for by GQ magazine. But who knows, that might just be an urban legend.

Regardless, it's the perfect place to sit and chat with friends; engage in cute, flirty conversation or climb a tree, Zaccheus-style. However you choose to enjoy it, don't you dare miss it should you happen to pass through Birmingham, Alabama.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Life lessons

Of course it was never going to be that simple -- coming home and NOT crying. As Gloria would say, I'm one of those people who "has lots of feelings", and I was never going to be cool enough for a graceful transition into "just friends".

I appreciate that he's trying, but I hate him for making it seem so easy.

He told me before he left the first time that he'd end it if things got too hard. I should have ended it then, as that is clearly the wrong attitude for a successful long-term, not to mention partially long-distance, relationship. Instead, I cried.

In his arms.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Eid al-Fitr

taken in al-madbasa and in the old city of bethlehem, 2007.