Saturday, August 2, 2008

Do I sound cynical yet?

If you want a practical education, replete with all the realism and moral compromise that entails, go to a developing country.

I mean it. Go South, young man, and stay awhile.

Be sure to bring a copy of Heart of Darkness with you.

P.S. I suspect that there are rich and varied allusions to be made here...that or a tremendous cultural gaffe. Unfortunately, it's been almost 10 years since A.P. English and a solid five since my Comparative Literature degree. Thus, I am grossly out of touch.
P.P.S. Thus I am also getting old.
P.P.P.S. *shudder*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am also old, and getting the most non-practical education I can possibly afford (mentally and emotionally, not fiscally). It could be argued that only someone who wants to live in a third-world country needs a practical education. I mean, no one I know needs one.
