Friday, August 1, 2008

Sunset at Mar Saba

This is the only place that really feels like the Holy Land to me. Despite the sheep shit on the winding staircase to the fetid stream, there's something incredibly comforting about this place. It's quiet, a touch dangerous and mostly organic.

Especially the smells.

And then there's the blending of my two lives on the way here...winding mountain roads with clusters of Palestinian inhabitants along the way...the taxi driver blasting "where'd you get your body from" with a heavy bass beat. One part simple and almost primeval, one part obnoxiously American.

Stepping out of the taxi, the wind feels a bit like yogic breath, almost steady and pulsing enough to drive away the


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Where did you get your body from" I'm sure there has to be a few good pick up lines to be gleamed from the lyrics of that song.
Those are some nice views.